
Car manufacturers like Tesla who have a good high speed dc charger network (or at least access to one like Tesla has) provide a road travel environment that eliminates range anxiety after the very first trip. Everyone has it to start with as, well, everyone says they should. But in reality modern EVs make it incredibly hard to run out of power.  First, when going anywhere long distance you simply tell the car where you want to go (voice or screen) and the fastest route will quickly appear on the screen with all the chargers that you will need to stop at highlighted along with how much charge you will arrive at each with and how long you need to charge at each stop to get to the next one planned out for you. The car will try to pick the fewest needed to get to your destination. And then you just hit the road.

While driving, the car will keep monitoring how much charge you will have when you get to the next stop...if you speed or say hit a 50 mph headwind, the car might select a closer charger or usually just tell you what speed you need to slow down to to make it to the destination. I had this happen once when we diverted to do some shopping and the car told me to slow down to 70 mph to reach our goal with sufficient charge but I just said show superchargers and the car showed me one a bit closer so just set that as the destination instead. Lots of options and the car will keep reminding you if you ignore it for some reason about running low on charge. Also there is a nice graphic that shows your charge left at any spot along the trip. 

Also, you can at any time see how many stalls are available at any supercharger and also if any are damaged.  In most areas of the country while traveling you won't have to wait in line for a charge, so 15-25 minutes and you are on your way. 

As a result, a 700-800 mile day trip in a Tesla with 300 mile range will typically involve 1) fully charging overnight before the trip at home to get to 100% charge, 2) putting in your destination, 3) then from the 3 stops the car chooses to charge at, we pick the ones we want to have lunch and dinner at (usually first and last as we never get on the road early), and 4) we hit the stops, plug in, and walk away for food, restroom breaks, walking the dog, etc...yes, you can multitask with an EV while charging...no more standing at a pump waiting for the slow pump to fill the car (pumps are always slow when you stop for gas and decide to fill up before hitting the restroom...or when its snowing or raining). Typical trip for us driving at the speed of other traffic (ie 5-10 mph over speed limit in Florida and Georgia) is 710 miles in 12 hours (11 hours driving and 1 hour total stops)...bit longer if we diverge (ie shopping...some supercharging stations are in Walmart or Target or shopping mall parking lots right off the freeway.)

And for local daily driving? Well, you just plug in every night at home and always have a full "tank" to start the day with.

Some people are concerned about night driving or cold weather or hot weather affecting mileage (usually mistakenly thinking the issue would be headlight, heater, or AC power draw).  In actuality night driving has nothing to do with mileage on a road trip...compared to the almost 20 KW pulled out of the battery to drive the car every hour at say 80mph, the LED headlights and running lights will draw under 100 watts of power in that hour. Likewise with new heatpump designs and extremely efficient HVAC systems, the hourly drop to heat or cool the car is on the order of a few miles of range per hour. You will see higher losses related to heating or cooling the batteries (more so on the heating side) but the mileage loss still isn't much different than that an ICE vehicle experiences in cold weather and possibly less that they experience in hot weather (compresser lug and the inefficiencies of moving all that freon around in a very hot engine compartment has never been ideal.) Also, in no case should it ever get to the point of being more expensive to drive the EV vs driving a comparable gas car in any environment. 

On a related note: How much range do Model 3 Aero Hubcaps add?

There is also a very detailed September 2019 range table found here. It doesn't include the newer model 3/Y and the updated higher mileage Model S/X but it gives an idea of the mileage you can get driving at 55 mph vs various speeds up to 80, ignoring the much higher city driving range as that is massively better but irrelevant except saving a few dollars on your pocketbook. 

For more info on what kills range, check out this.

Recent few years of about half of our Tesla road trips. Darker lines are more traveled.