EVs are inherently safer than gas vehicles. Due to a low center of gravity (batteries under floorboards) EVs rarely tip over or roll in accidents, one of the most common causes of deaths in car accidents. This low center of gravity also reduces the odds of losing control and getting in a serious accident in the first place. With a Tesla’s 9 cameras constantly recording, there are plenty of videos showing cars and trucks sideswiping a Tesla at highway speed and barely causing the Tesla to wobble while the other vehicle loses control and crashes. The other safety feature of EVs is the ability to build crumple zones in the front and rear of the car (no engine or gas tank to worry about pushing into the cabin). This also allows for front and rear tearaway zones in cases of side impacts. For Teslas, even the glass roof provides two forms of safety. First, it can handle 6 times the weight of a standard steel car roof. Second, and equally important is that glass, when it fractures, propagates energy quickly through the entire roof surface reducing the energy impacted on occupants during side impacts. Tack on smart airbag control, battery isolation and channels to help prevent fires and, if necessary, diverting fire away from the cabin, all features that protect the occupants in accidents. Tesla even has advanced warning capability to tell the driver to stop the car and get out upon detection of potential fire or other dangerous situations.
This as all good and explains why the Tesla Model 3 has the lowest probability of injury once you get in an accident, but how about not getting in an accident in the first place? This is where Teslas shine. Part of the advantage is simply that with 9 cameras watching everything around you without ever being tired or slow or distracted, there will be fewer surprises, wandering out of your lane, switching lanes into another car, etc. Furthermore, with a strong AI capable of stopping, steering, and even instantly accelerating you away from a potential accident situation, you can avoid or mitigate accidents. Stopping may include a child darting out in front of the car, a bicycle running through an intersection right as you floor the accelerator as the light turns green, and cars slamming on their brakes suddenly ahead of you. Steering away could include cases where a car starts to sideswipe you in traffic and the car switches lanes if possible or simply moves away and slows down to avoid the impact. Instant acceleration is the response to possibly getting rear ended or T-boned. This is an area that will become more effective as the FSD AI improves. Currently, the car will rarely accelerate away from an accident situation like this, except when swerving from a side impact. The reason being that accelerating to avoid an accident takes a lot more AI knowledge than just throwing on the brakes or shifting within your lane or switching lanes quickly (which the car is already superb at).
Here is more detailed safety info from Tesla and a really good video shows more here.
For a link to ADAS safety of Teslas vs other car manufacturers cars, click here.
For a link to even more Tesla Model crash tests including some cybertruck, click here.
And for a link to some of the scenarios Tesla tests against for FSD, click here.
And here is the simplest comparison that comes to mind between Teslas and gas cars. The cretin that drove his family, at highway speed, over a 300+ ft high cliff trying to kill himself, his wife, and two children in a Tesla Model Y (click here ), and the recent accident in a gas car that lost control in the same spot and killed 3 soldiers (click here ). And there are many other cases where the word miracle gets used describing tbone and headon accidents where first responders expected total fatality situations inside the Teslas.
A topic that often comes up related to EV safety is that of EV fires. In reality EV fires are much less common than gas vehicle fires per miles driven. As of late 2021, Tesla has had under 30 total so far in 10 years, most after accidents, and only 3 in Model 3s, all after accidents. Gas vehicles however have an extraordinary propensity for catching is some info from 2018 on Vehicle Fires.
Relative Safety
It is important to remember how safety evolves with technology and of course how technology evolves in response to lack of safety. Like people who cut their seatbelts out of cars early on because they didnt want big government telling them what to do or because they heard how they would cut you in two in accidents, they also hated being told eventually that child leashes weren't safe enough any more. Times change.
Aside from crumple zones and frame deflection paths, even steering couplings and motor mounts are designed to further protect the occupants during a crash